Changing Perspectives Online Workshops

Cross functional partners who work together on a frequent basis often require periodic communication resets to ensure they are working smoothly and efficiently. Think of our workshops as a team tune-ups. We work to realign team members on existing roles and responsibilities, task interaction points and readjusts the team’s communication patterns for optimal problem solving.

How often do we say things like, "we just talked about that" or "that was not what we aligned on in the meeting". It is frustrating to have conversations over and over again, never feeling like you have enough clarity to make progress. Explicit clarity in communication is something that can be learned, and we are here to teach it. Clear communication and a few key "clarity habits" can go a long way in driving alignment (and action) within your organization. Our webinars and supplemental activities will teach your team the recipe for good communication, tactics for de-escalation and identifying common ground, and frameworks and scripts to guide you through commonly frustrating conversations.


Empowerment Series

The Empowerment Webinar Series for up to 15 participants, offered as five 2-hour sessions.


  • Pre-workshop interview with team leads

  • Customized training on the Changing Perspectives Method

  • “How, exactly?” workbook

  • Pre/Post cooperation benchmark survey

  • Roles & responsibilities guide

  • De-escalation and feedback scripts

  • Information flow action guide 

  • Conflict root-cause assessment

Session 1:  De-escalate and reduce conflict

Session 2:  Give effective feedback

Session 3:  Write impactful documentation

Session 4:  Design critical information flows

Session 5:  Host better meetings

Price: $8,500

Focus Series

Webinar Series for up to 15 participants offered as three 2-hour sessions.


  • Pre-workshop interview with team leads

  • Customized training on the Changing Perspectives Method

  • “How, exactly?” workbook

  • Pre/Post cooperation benchmark survey

  • De-escalation and feedback scripts

Session 1:  De-escalate and reduce conflict

Session 2:  Write impactful documentation

Session 3:  Host better meetings

Price: $5,400

Invigoration Webinar

3-hour webinar for up to 100 participants


At a  high level, we will cover methods for how, exactly, to improve:

  • Team conflict

  • Feedback

  • Documentation

  • Miscommunication

  • Meetings and Tools

Price: $1,500